Strictly Dancing Classes

Would you like to start learning to dance as a couple? If yes, then our brand new Strictly Dancing four week course could be just what you've been looking for!

Where and when?

Our brand new four-week strictly dancing course will begin on Thursday September 19th @ 7.15pm to 8.15p at our venue our Old Stratford Community Hall Venue, Milton Keynes, MK19 6NL. Cost is £10 per lesson per person.

Can I come on my own?

All our dance lessons have more than one teacher so extra individual care is always on hand.

What should I wear?

There isn't a dress code, please wear whatever you feel comfortable moving around in. The ballrooms are air conditioned but you might want to wear layers in case you get warm. Many new dancers enquire about footwear. We don't encourage you to dash out and buy new dance shoes (yet) but we advise against trainers as they tend to grip the floor & make turning more difficult.

How do I book my place?

Please contact either John or Debra if you would like to join us.


What our pupils say…

As beginners we found Debra and John's dance class very welcoming and good fun. We learn a few basic steps each week and then gradually add to our repertoire. We're not quite Fred and Ginger's standard yet, but we're working on it

Fred & Pam